“Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale.”
Hans Christian Andersen
Hans Christian Andersen
2 April 1805 – 4 August 1875
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Editrice Lucchi - Milano, 1975 |
"C'era una volta un bambino alto magro e brutto che aveva un naso grosso e prominente, gli occhi infossati, e due gambe interminabili, che lo facevano assomigliare ad una cicogna. Per il suo aspetto buffo e gli abiti sempre troppo corti era canzonato da tutti i compagni.
Suo padre faceva il ciabattino e sua madre la lavandaia.
Quando il bambino dalle lunghe gambe ebbe quattordici anni, sua madre interrogò un'indovina che, dopo aver consultato i fondi del caffè rimasti in una tazzina, diede questo responso:
"Sarà un uomo grande e famoso e la sua città si illuminerà in suo onore".
Brutto, povero e schernito dai compagni di scuola il giovanetto che desiderava diventare celebre anche senza le predizioni dell'indovina, trascorse un'infanzia infelice ed una giovinezza solitaria prima di trovare la buona strada tra le tante che aveva tentato.
Un giorno si trovò davanti ad una porticina misteriosa: la toccò appena e quella si spalancò per incanto, conducendolo nel mondo delle fiabe (Brandes).
Egli vide là dentro cose meravigliose e le narrò con animo di poeta e cuore di bambino, diventando celebre in tutto il mondo.
Voleva raggiungere la gloria, quando povero e solo partì dalla sua città e attraverso il mondo delle sue fiabe, e ci riuscì al di là d'ogni sua speranza, perché il fanciullo che diventò scrittore era Hans Christian Andersen (1805 - 1875)".
(tratto da "Le novelle meravigliose", Editrice AMZ Milano, 1959)
Hans Christian Andersen è nato nella città di Odense, in Danimarca, il 2 aprile 1805. Le sue meravigliose fiabe sono state tradotte in più di 125 lingue. Scrisse circa 170 fiabe!.
Tra le sue più celebri ricordiamo "I vestiti nuovi dell'imperatore", "La Sirenetta", "The Nightingale", "La regina della neve", "Il brutto anatroccolo", "Thumbelina", e molte altre.
Nella mia libreria ho trovato alcuni dei sui libri di vecchie edizioni. Sono testi ormai da collezione di una straordinaria bellezza oggi difficile trovare nelle nuove edizioni!
L'edizione pubblicata da AMZ del 1959 inizia con una stupenda prefazione scritta dagli Editori che, come una fiaba, racconta la vita dello scrittore...
E' un testo molto bello che secondo me vale la pena di condividerlo...:)
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G.B. Paravia, Torino, 1954 |
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Editrice AMZ Milano, 1959 |
"Once upon a time, there was a tall, thin and ugly child; he had a large and prominent nose, sunken eyes, and two long legs, which made him look like a stork. For his funny-looking and always too short dresses for him, he was teased by all companions.
His father was a shoemaker and his mother a laundress.
When the child with long legs was fourteen, his mother consulted a fortune-teller who, looked at the coffee grounds left in a cup and then gave his advice:
He will be a famous man and he will enlighten the country."
Bad, poor, scorned by classmates the young man who wanted to become famous, even without the fortune-teller predictions, spent an unhappy childhood and a lonely youth before finding the right way.
One day he was in front of a mysterious small door: he touched it then the door throwed on a magic world, leading him into the world of fairy tales" (Brandes).
He saw wonderful things that he told with the soul of a poet and the heart of a child. He became famous all over the world.
He seek his fortune travelling around the world and he became a great writer.
He was Hans Christian Andersen (1805 - 1875)".
(loosely translate from "Le novelle meravigliose", Editrice AMZ Milano, 1959)
When the child with long legs was fourteen, his mother consulted a fortune-teller who, looked at the coffee grounds left in a cup and then gave his advice:
He will be a famous man and he will enlighten the country."
Bad, poor, scorned by classmates the young man who wanted to become famous, even without the fortune-teller predictions, spent an unhappy childhood and a lonely youth before finding the right way.
One day he was in front of a mysterious small door: he touched it then the door throwed on a magic world, leading him into the world of fairy tales" (Brandes).
He saw wonderful things that he told with the soul of a poet and the heart of a child. He became famous all over the world.
He seek his fortune travelling around the world and he became a great writer.
He was Hans Christian Andersen (1805 - 1875)".
(loosely translate from "Le novelle meravigliose", Editrice AMZ Milano, 1959)
Hans Christian Andersen was born in the town of Odense, Denmark, on 2 April 1805. He was remembered for his beautiful fairy tales which have been translated into more than 125 languages. He wrote about 179 tales!!
Some of his most famous fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling", "Thumbelina", and many more.
Some of his most famous fairy tales include "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Little Mermaid", "The Nightingale", "The Snow Queen", "The Ugly Duckling", "Thumbelina", and many more.
I found these books whose covers I show you below. They are simply marvelous!
The edition was published by AMZ in 1959. It begins with a preface written by the editor, and like a fairy tale, he tells Andersen creative life...
I think is a very beautiful text to sharing with you ... :)
(The english translation from italian text is mine. I apologise for mistakes!)
The edition was published by AMZ in 1959. It begins with a preface written by the editor, and like a fairy tale, he tells Andersen creative life...
I think is a very beautiful text to sharing with you ... :)
(The english translation from italian text is mine. I apologise for mistakes!)
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Edizioni Malipiero Nettuno Omnia, 1965 |
Amo Hans Christian Andersen, le sue fiabe e favole che mi hanno tenuto compagnia durante la mia infanzia ... ti ringrazio sinceramente per avergli dedicato un post, carissima Valeria, da tempo pensavo di farlo anche io, merita molto da parte di ognuno di noi !
RispondiEliminaChe la tua settimana scorra lieta, dolce amica mia,
ti abbraccio con il cuore
Grazie Daniela!. E' bello che le fiabe continuano ad farci sognare...:)
EliminaBuona settimana anche a te!